Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Legislation: Modern Legislation:

Prosecution: Legislation:

[Site] A s i a n   L e g i s l a t i o n

[Site] Turkish Legislation

Laws: Islamic Law

I. Author Index

[Info] Ze’evi, Dror. »Changes in legal-sexual discourses: Sex crimes in the Ottoman empire.« Continuity and Change 16 (2001): 219-242.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] E u r o p e a n   L e g i s l a t i o n

[Site] General

I. Author Index

[Info] Alessi, Giorgia. »Il gioco degli scambi: Seduzione e risarcimento nella casistica cattolica del XVI e XVII secolo.« Quaderni storici 25 (1990): 805-831.

[Info] Kümper, Hiram. »The Injured Body in Context: Outlines for a Legal History of Rape in Pre-Modern Europe (c. 1250–1750) in Cultural Perspective.« Gender Difference in European Legal Cultures: Historical Perspectives. Edited by Karin Gottschalk. Stuttgart 2013: 57-70.

[Info] Walker, Garthine. »Sexual violence and rape in Europe, 1500-1750.« The Routledge History of Sex and the Body: 1500 to the Present. Edited by Sarah Toulalan et al. New York 2013: 429-443.

II. Speker Index

[Info] Kümper, Hiram. »The injured body in context: Outlines for a legal history of rape in pre-modern Europe (c. 1250–1750) in cultural perspective.« New Perspectives on Gender and Legal History: European Traditions and the Challenge of Global History. Frankfurt/Main 2009.

[Site] English Legislation

I. Author Index

[Info] Baines, Barbara J. »Effacing Rape in Early Modern Representation.« ELH 65 (1998): 69-98.

[Info] Bashar, Nazife. »Rape in England between 1550 and 1700.« The sexual dynamics of history: men's power, women's resistance. Edited by London Feminist History Group. London 1983: 28-42.

II. Speker Index


[Site] German Legislation

I. Author Index

[Info] Leibinger, Dorothea. »Im Glanze ihres Angesichts: Frauendarstellungen auf einem Kachelofen des späten 16. Jahrhunderts aus dem Bremer Stephaniviertel.« bonjour.Geschichte 5 (2017).

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Russian Legislation

Laws: Military Law

[Site] Spanish Legislation

I. Author Index

[Info] Barahona, Renato. Sex Crimes, Honour, and the Law in Early Modern Spain: Vizcaya, 1528-1735. Toronto 2003.

[Info] Barahona Arévalo, Renato. »Seduction, Sexual Aggession and the Defense of Feminine Honor in the Basque Provinces, 16th-18th Centuries.« Vasconia No. 35 (2006): 77-101.

[Info] Bazán Díaz, Iñaki. »El Estupro: Sexualidad delictiva en la Baja Edad Media y primera Edad Moderna.« Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 33 (2003): 13-46.

[Info] Charageat, Martine. »Usage polyvalent et évolution du concept de rapt en Aragon: Entre normes et récits judiciaires (XIIIe-XVIe siècles).« Estudis 40 (2014): 13-30.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Barahona, Renato. »Coercion, Sexuality and the Law in Early Modern Spain, 1500-1700.« 110th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Atlanta 1996.